Little Millet (Panicum Sumatrense) is a quick growing, short duration cereal which can withstand both drought and water logging. It is an important crop grown for food and feed. It was domesticated in the Eastern Ghats of India occupying a major portion of diet amongst the tribal people and spread to Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Myanmar. In India, its cultivation is mostly confined to the the tribal belt of Madhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Andhra Pradesh. It is wonderful millet which is suitable for people of all age groups. It helps to prevent constipation & heals all the problems related to stomach. Little millet is rich in cholesterol, when consumed increases good cholesterol in the body, suitable for growing kids and strengthens the body. Its complex carbohydrate digests slowly which is very helpful for diabetic patients.
NUTRIENTS: The little millet contains
- 8.7 gram protein
- 75.7 gram carbohydrate
- 5.3 gram fat
- 1.7 gram mineral
- 9.3 mg iron in per 100 gram grain.Its high fiber helps to reduce the fat depositions in the body. Little millet has a significant role in providing nutraceutical components such as phenols, tannins and phytates along with other nutrients